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Analysis and Validation of a New Access System to the Airport Salerno-Costa D'Amalfi

Francesca Pagliara, * Open Modal Giuseppina Riccio, * Open Modal Claudio Troisi Authors Info & Affiliations
The Open Transportation Journal 31 July 2018 CASE REPORT DOI: 10.2174/1874447801812010203


Airport accessibility is an important criterion for airport choice and therefore also for an airport competition. When users choose an itinerary, they think about the transport chain from an origin to a destination. Therefore, the variables having an impact on their decision for a given alternative go beyond the price and quality of air services from one airport to another. The decision for or against a given air service and a given airport is to a certain extent dependent on the accessibility of the airport.

The objective of this manuscript is to propose an analysis and a validation of a new access system to the airport Salerno-Costa d’Amalfi in Campania region, in the south of Italy, due to its growing development. Three different scenarios are proposed and simulated. Performance indicators are provided in order to quantify the effects of the alternative interventions aiming at improving the accessibility of the airport itself. Policy-makers may be interested in a more accessible airport since these interventions may have impacts on the regional socioeconomic development.

Keywords: Airport growth , Accessibility , Interventions scenario , Performance indicators , Salerno-costa, New access system.
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