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The Effects of Investments in New Transport Technologies such as HSR on the Tourism Industry

The Open Transportation Journal 30 Apr 2019 RESEARCH ARTICLE DOI: 10.2174/1874447801913010035



The transportation industry and the tourism market are related to each other. Specifically a place with an efficient transportation system can be in general considered a good tourist destination.


In this manuscript, the objective is to demonstrate whether the presence of High Speed Rail can affect tourists' choices of a given destination for their holidays. The case study of Italy has been taken into account.

Methods and Results:

An empirical analysis has been carried out with the help of a dataset containing information both on tourism and transport.

The results, in the case of the number of overnights, spent both by Italians and foreigners, show that the main variables having an impact are the HSR and Attraction ones.


This paper has found evidence of a relationship between High Speed Rail and tourism outcomes in terms of the choice of this transport mode by tourists as well as an effect is registered on the number of overnights spent by them.

Keywords: High Speed Rail system, Tourist behavior, Overnights, Tourism market, Tourism industry, Transportation industry.
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