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Vehicle To Vehicle “V2V” Communication: Scope, Importance, Challenges, Research Directions and Future

The Open Transportation Journal 09 June 2020 REVIEW ARTICLE DOI: 10.2174/1874447802014010086


Day after day Internet of Things (IOT) has become essential in our lives with a lot of research directions and technologies, one of these directions is the Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) which is important for traffic management, and safety. One of its main points is the Vehicle-To-Vehicle (V2V) communication which is essential for the ITS full automated process as it decreases the number of hits between the vehicles and the access points on the roads. V2V is important for the developing countries which does not include Road Side Units (RSUs), so in this research we will go through V2V research directions to explore the current models, and to find out the advantages and challenges of implementing V2V.

Keywords: Internet of things, Intelligent transportation systems, Research directions, Vehicle to vehicle, Road side units, Safety.
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