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Intelligent Transportation Systems along with the COVID-19 Pandemic will Significantly Change the Transportation Market

Yair Wiseman1 , * Open Modal Authors Info & Affiliations
The Open Transportation Journal 17 Mar 2021 RESEARCH ARTICLE DOI: 10.2174/1874447802115010011



Reducing human presence in vehicles and transportation infrastructure is a common concept of Intelligent Transportation Systems and COVID-19 guidelines. However, the motivation for the reduced human presence is different. Intelligent Transportation Systems aim to improve transportation services with innovative technologies that can replace human handling and supervision. In contrast, COVID-19 guidelines aim to make the transportation means less busy, because a busy bus or a busy train means more opportunities for potential infection of passengers.


The study aims to explain how the transportation market will be changed and why these changes are going to take place.


The paper analyzes the current situation with its pros and cons and evaluates the ways in which the Intelligent Transportation Systems and the COVID-19 pandemic will affect this situation. A case study is also considered.


Intelligent Transportation Systems and the COVID-19 pandemic are two major factors in the transportation market that will significantly change the transportation means we know.


It seems that the influence of the intense Intelligent Transportation Systems development and the impact of the COVID-19 outbreak is still underestimated by many governments; hence they continue to invest in traditional transportation instead of moving forward for a new generation of transportation.

Keywords: Intelligent transportation systems, COVID-19, Public transportation, Passengers, Pandemic, Infection.
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