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Research on Public-Private Partnership (PPP) Investment under Build - Operate - Transfer (BOT) and Build-Lease-Transfer (BLT) Contract Types in the High-Speed North-South Rail Project (HSR), the Hanoi - Vinh Line

The Open Transportation Journal 24 May 2024 RESEARCH ARTICLE DOI: 10.2174/0126671212309843240516104603



The North-South high-speed rail development is a completely new field in Vietnam. Calculations show that Vietnam's high-speed rail system will attract a significant amount of investment, which is 4-5 times higher than developing highways, and the annual operation and maintenance costs are three times higher.


Public-Private Partnership (PPP) investment is effective and required to ease the strain on the state budget. This research aims to build a database for calculating the financial efficiency of the high-speed rail project (Hanoi -Vinh line), thereby establishing a mechanism for sharing benefits and risks between the state and investors through financial scenarios: applying Build - Operate - Transfer (BOT) contracts with state participation rates of 50% and 80%, respectively.


The qualitative research method is used to determine the indicators influencing the project's benefits and costs, assume and adjust economic, financial, and fare parameters based on Vietnam's actual conditions, and investigate and survey the affected areas to assess passenger transport demand.


Furthermore, the financial efficiency of the project is calculated, and various participation options for the parties involved are proposed to attract investors.

Keywords: Benefits, Costs, Financial efficiency, Revenue, Transportation, Passenger transport.
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