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A Sustainable Transport System and Travel Choice Adaptation of the Disadvantaged in Hong Kong

Joseph Cho Yam Lau, * Open Modal Authors Info & Affiliations
The Open Transportation Journal 7 Nov 2008 RESEARCH ARTICLE DOI: 10.2174/1874447800802010080


This paper investigates the interactions between the coping travel behaviour of the disadvantaged and policies for a sustainable transport system in Hong Kong. The concepts of quality of life, a sustainable transport system and coping behaviour are reviewed. The construction of an effective sustainable transport system depends on transport policy makers understanding individual travel behaviour and providing a wide range of adaptation choices to help individuals to overcome mobility constraints. In-depth interviews were conducted in 1996 to ascertain the travel behaviour of the disadvantaged, the results of which indicate that to cope with socio-economic and land-use constraints, the respondents choose opportunities that are in close proximity to living neighbourhoods, taking cheaper slower transport modes and using nonmortorised modes to non-work activities, working women chose employment opportunities that close home to care for children. Some respondents remained in long-term unemployment rather than seeking distant employment to save travel costs. The results should help the government to formulate sustainable transport policies for Hong Kong.

Keywords: The disadvantaged, sustainable transport system,, adaptation travel behaviour, adaptation choice and transport pol-icy formulation.
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