Investigation of Truck-Involved Angle Crashes Based on GES and FARS Crash Databases

Xuedong Yan*, 1, Essam Radwan2, Kranthi Kiran Mannila3, Stephen Richards4
1 Center for Transportation Research, University of Tennessee, 309 Conference Center Bldg., Knoxville, TN 37996-4133, USA
2 Center for Advanced Transportation Systems Simulation, University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL 32816-2450, USA
3 HNTB Corporation, 300 Primera Blvd, Suite 200, Lake Mary, FL-32746, USA
4 Southeastern Transportation Center (STC), The University of Tennessee, Suite 309, Conference Center Building, Knox-ville, Tennessee 37996-4133, USA

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* Address correspondence to this author at the Center for Transportation Research, University of Tennessee, 309 Conference Center Bldg., Knoxville, TN 37996-4133, USA; Tel: (865) 974-0298; Fax: (865) 974-3889; E-mail:


Truck-car angle collisions have a higher crash frequency than other truck-involved collision types and tend to increase injury severity. This paper investigates both general and fatal truck-involved angle collisions using two national crash databases (2000-2004), General estimates system (GES) and Fatality Analysis Reporting system (FARS). In this study, two-vehicle angle collisions were classified into three groups based on fault roles of truck or car drivers in the accidents, including Truck-Car, Car-Truck, and Car-Car crashes. The occurrence conditions of the three angle crash types were compared to each other to identify the potential risk factors such as driver characteristics, road environments, and highway designs related to the truck-involved crashes. The multinomial logistic regression is used for the statistical analysis.Based on the result analysis of this study, it is suggested that truck-involved angle collisions should be considered as an important scenario design for retraining or education programs for the purposes of reducing older drivers’ fatality rate; improving either the conspicuity of truck trailers or lighting design of the highway would reduce the frequency and severity of truck-involved angle crashes; to improve incompatibilities between truck, car, and highway design, further studies should conduct in-depth analyses of geometric factors related to driver performances and behaviors in the car-truck conflicts at intersections.

Keywords: Angle collisions, trucks, crash databases, GES and FARS, Driver’s fault, multinomial logistic regression.