Mode Choice Behavior of Various Airport User Groups for Ground Airport Access

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Mode Choice Behavior of Various Airport User Groups for Ground Airport Access

Hyuk-Jae Roh, * Open Modal
Authors Info & Affiliations
The Open Transportation Journal 18 Oct 2013 RESEARCH ARTICLE DOI: 10.2174/1874447820130930002


In this research, we used a multinomial logit (MNL) discrete choice analysis technique to deepen the understanding of the mode choice behavior of various airport user groups categorized by trip purpose and trip distance for ground airport access. We used revealed preference (RP) data collected by an on-site-survey administrated by the Korea Transport Institute (KOTI) at the Kimpo International Airport passenger terminal in South Korea. Initially, four basic models were selected from a variety of model specifications, and these were analyzed to address general preferences in mode choice. The models were then evaluated in terms of the resulting estimation. The best-fitting model specification among four models was chosen for further study. Both trip distance models (standard-distance (SD) and long-distance (LD)) and trip purpose models (departing (D) and non-departing (ND)) were estimated. The results analyzed in this study encompass an unambiguous spectrum of mode choice behaviors associated with distinct airport user groups. The fundamental information, either revealed or reflected by modeling ground airport access for various airport user groups, could be essential not only to transportation planners -especially at the first phase of airport planning- but also to airport authorities faced with difficulties in managing ground transportation facilities to effectively serve airport users.

Keywords: Trip distance model, trip purpose model, airport user groups, discrete choice analysis, data input system.