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How to Choose the Most Efficient Transport Mode for Weekend Tourism Journeys: An HSR and Private Vehicle Comparison

The Open Transportation Journal 30 Apr 2016 RESEARCH ARTICLE DOI: 10.2174/1874447801610010084


The present paper focuses on an analysis of the efficiency of High-Speed Rail (HSR) connections in comparison to private vehicles, with the aim of identifying the most convenient mode of transportation for weekend tourism journeys. This efficiency is centred on a person based assessment and will depend on the time available at the destination, the convenience of the timetables and travel times, and the associated costs related to accommodations and travel expenses. Because travel costs may amount to a significant share of the total expenses for recreational travel, individuals and groups may consider using a car to reach their destination, especially for journeys of short distances. However, the development of the HSR system in Spain provides an important increase in accessibility that is generating changes in the way people travel. The accessibility of the HSR service has brought an interesting alternative whose attractiveness (in terms of comfort and speed) rises with the distance travelled. In addition, RENFE (Spanish rail operator) is now reorienting its services and fares to compete in the tourism market, improving the competitiveness of HSR for weekend tourism trips relative to other transport modes.

In this framework, the paper demonstrates that HSR is a real alternative, in terms of connection efficiencies, for weekend journeys, as almost half of the Spanish cities served by HSR are more efficiently connected to Madrid through HSR than by private cars. In addition, the paper offers a person-based approach that should be taken into account in future research on transport mode choices.

Keywords: Efficiency, High Speed Rail, Mode choice, Tourism, Weekend.
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