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Traffic Characteristics Evaluation and Traffic Management Measures: A Case study of Dharwad City

The Open Transportation Journal 31 Aug 2018 CASE REPORT DOI: 10.2174/1874447801812010258


Traffic problems in the urban areas are increasing at a rapid rate. Engineers, planners or the policymakers are having a tough time in dealing with their multiple constraints for getting the desired solution. Some of the main transportation planning problems are mixed traffic plying on the roads, inadequate parking areas, increasing number of vehicles and road users, the unbalanced pattern of land use with obsolete road system, increasing number of road facilities and environmental pollution. Since in India most of the cities are unplanned, we are only left with an option management of existing infrastructure. In this paper, one such case study is presented in which a detailed traffic management for the city of Dharwad is carried out.

Keywords: Dharwad, Traffic management, Speed and delay, Spot speed, Vehicle growth, Length growth.
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