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Analysis of the Emission Reduction through Performance Improvement of Intersection and Network nearby Using Micro Simulation Program

The Open Transportation Journal 30 Nov 2018 RESEARCH ARTICLE DOI: 10.2174/1874447801812010332



Palembang as one of the big cities in Indonesia is the capital city of South Sumatra Province. Congestion occurs at the main intersections of the city, one of which is Simpang Patal Pusri which has a long queue and delays in peak hour of 655 m and 490 seconds. The action performed to improve traffic performance and reduce the air pollution at this intersection was the underpass construction. This study discussed the importance of constructing an underpass together with improving geometric design and traffic management at the nearest intersections to obtain optimal results in addressing traffic problems and emissions reductions.


To analyze the performance of traffic intersection and its network, Vissim simulation micro program and Program Moves were used to find out the emission values ​​of Total Carbon, NOx and PM10 of the analyzed handling scenarios.


The results showed that the construction of an underpass accompanied by the improved geometric design and traffic management at the nearest intersection produced better intersection performance and emission reductions when compared to only underpass construction, where the average V/C decreased from 0.87 to 0.77, the average queue decreased from 290.3 m to 190.57 m, and the average delay decreased from 106.34 seconds to 85.07 seconds. The values ​​of Total Carbon, NOx and PM10 also decreased significantly on all the roads in the study area.


Based on the analysis, a scenario of the underpass construction is combined with geometric improvement and traffic management at the intersections which provides the best traffic performance and emissions reduction at either the intersections or road segments of the road network being studied.

Keywords: Congestion, Underpass, Traffic Management, Traffic Performance, Emission Decrease, Micro simulation program.
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