n Data Processing Techniques for Real-Time Traveler Information: Use of Dedicated Short-Range Communications Probes on Suburban Arterial

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Data Processing Techniques for Real-Time Traveler Information: Use of Dedicated Short-Range Communications Probes on Suburban Arterial

Jinhwan Jang1 , * Open Modal Authors Info & Affiliations
The Open Transportation Journal 29 June 2020 RESEARCH ARTICLE DOI: 10.2174/1874447802014010099



As wireless communication technologies evolve, probe-based travel-time collection systems are becoming popular around the globe. However, two problems generally arise in probe-based systems: one is the outlier and the other is time lag. To resolve the problems, methods for outlier removal and travel-time prediction need to be applied.


In this study, data processing methods for addressing the two issues are proposed. After investigating the characteristic of the travel times on the test section, the modified z-score was suggested for censoring outliers contained in probe travel times. To mitigate the time-lag phenomenon, a recurrent neural network, a class of deep learning where temporal sequence data are normally treated, was applied to predict travel times.


As a result of evaluation with ground-truth data obtained through test-car runs, the proposed methods showed enhanced performances with prediction errors lower than 13% on average compared to current practices.


The suggested methods can make drivers to better arrange their trip schedules with real-time travel-time information with improved accuracy.

Keywords: Travel time, Probe, Outlier, Prediction, DSRC, Data processing techniques.
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