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Analysis of Contributing Factors Enhancing Rural Transportation System: A Case Study of South-Eastern Provinces of Vietnam

The Open Transportation Journal 25 June 2021 RESEARCH ARTICLE DOI: 10.2174/1874447802115010108



Under-developed countries like Vietnam are facing sustainability problems in developing transportation infrastructure for rural and remote areas. The lack of financial resources and public support is the causative factor of the problem. Rural community participation is considered crucial to resolving these problems. Even demographics strongly influenced, but how they should interact with community participation is still under study in the South-eastern provinces of Vietnam.


South-eastern provinces of Vietnam, including HoChiMinh City and BaRia-VungTau, BinhDuong, BinhPhuoc, DongNai and TayNinh provinces, were selected for the study due to the high requirement of rural transportation infrastructure in these provinces. Questionnaires were sent to local households for data collection. Data analysis was conducted descriptively with the model of logistic regression.


Community participation is identified as contributions in terms of finance, labor, material, and land. Household composition, education, income, and a member in the household as a community leader are among the chief contributing factors to community participation.


The study can be beneficial for policymakers and local governors in planning and predicting local rural development programs. It aims to enhance rural community participation and increase rural transportation infrastructure in the South-eastern provinces of Vietnam.

Keywords: Community participation, South-eastern provinces, Infrastructure, Rural, Transportation, Vietnam.
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