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The Role of Attitude, Behavior, and Road Conditions in Traffic Violation among Workers and Students in Bandung City, Indonesia

The Open Transportation Journal 11 Aug 2021 RESEARCH ARTICLE DOI: 10.2174/1874447802115010147



This study aims to explore the attitudes towards riding safety, behavior regarding safety gear, documents, and vehicle and riding preparedness, and perceived road conditions among worker and student motorcyclists, and the influence of these on their violation behavior.


To further explore the violation behavior, the effects of the infrastructure quality, personal and travel characteristics, and the experience of accidents were also included in the variables. This study collected data on motorcycle users’ behavior in Bandung City and used Structural Equation Modeling (SEM).

Results and Discussion:

This research underlines that behavior regarding safety gear, documents, and vehicle and riding preparedness is an important factor that decreases the violation behavior. Interestingly, a positive attitude towards safe riding does not straightforwardly lead to better behavior in preparing the vehicle, safety gear, and documents.


Good quality infrastructure also promotes a reduction of traffic violations. Improving road infrastructure safety and both promoting and monitoring users’ safe riding behavior are suggested to lower the number of traffic violations.

Keywords: Traffic safety, Violation, Behavior, Structural equation modeling, Maximum likelihood estimation, Generalized least square.
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