Strategic Utilization of Microsimulation for Sustainable Traffic Analysis and Intersection Improvement

Malik Sarmad Riaz1, *, Khizar Aziz2, Zeeshan Ali Mufeez2, Fazal e Ghafoor1, Louai Saker3, Kashif Aziz4, Marc Azab3
1 Department of Civil Engineering, National University of Technology (NUTECH), Islamabad, Pakistan
2 Tunneling Institute of Pakistan, Islamabad, Pakistan
3 College of Engineering and Technology, American University of the Middle East, Egaila 54200, Kuwait
4 School of Business, Leeds Trinity University, Leeds, England, United Kingdom

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* Address correspondence to these authors at Department of Civil Engineering, National University of Technology (NUTECH), Islamabad, Pakistan; E-mail:



Traffic congestion is a worldwide challenge that poses significant economic, social, and environmental impacts. Countries worldwide, especially in urban areas, are confronted with the pressing challenge of managing traffic congestion.


Traffic simulation can help create a model of the current situation of the state of the traffic and subsequently, simulate alternatives based on the current demand. To address this problem, this study aims to assess the traffic flow at a critical four-legged intersection (Sector G/11) in Islamabad, Pakistan, as a case study. It proposes a solution to alleviate traffic congestion using microsimulations. By utilizing software as a tool, we have created a model of the current state of the intersection, and, subsequently, proposed changes to the intersection's geometric features by designing an optimal solution for it.


The resulting modifications led to improved traffic flow, and reduced emissions and fuel consumption by 47%, minimized delays to 40%, resulting in an overall enhancement of the Level of Service from ‘E’ to ‘B’.


Overall, this study demonstrates the potential benefits of using microsimulations in traffic management and underscores the need for innovative and sustainable solutions to address the complex issue of traffic congestion. The novelty of this paper lies in its pioneering approach of employing microsimulation techniques to analyze the intricacies of traffic conditions within a country like Pakistan, characterized by a multitude of factors contributing to congestion.

Keywords: Microsimulation, Mobility, Congestion, Traffic flow, Traffic analysis, Road traffic.